Problems, Challenges, Issues, and Organigogo Overview

Problems - Challenges - Issues Overview

Problem Overview: As the world's population expands, the challenge of providing ample protein to meet the increasing demand becomes more pressing. However, current animal protein production practices, mainly those reliant on grain consumption & linked to industrial agriculture, contribute to run-off pollution, eutrophication, dead zones, land degradation, deforestation, and heightened greenhouse gas emissions. This unsustainable approach exacerbates ecological issues such as food security, finite resource depletion, greenhouse effects, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

Organic Aquaculture and its Link with Organic Agriculture: In light of diminishing fishing resources and the environmental repercussions of traditional aquaculture practices, Organic Aquaculture emerges as a promising solution for contributing to ensuring future food security while preserving aquatic ecosystems.

  • Differentiation from Sustainable Practices: It's crucial to note that while Organic Aquaculture is a subset of sustainable and regenerative practices, its distinctiveness lies in its adherence to stringent organic regulations and restrictions. This ensures the production process remains environmentally friendly and free from harmful chemicals and additives.

  • Mitigating Overfishing and Industrialized Agriculture Links: Organic Aquaculture offers a pathway to break free from the detrimental practices associated with industrialized aquaculture - agriculture, specifically the reliance on overfishing for fishmeal and fish oil, as well as the connection to intensive crop cultivation like cereals, inputs and palm oil used in fish feed.

Importance of Sustainability: The need to harmonize food production with environmental preservation underscores the urgency of transitioning to sustainable and ecological initiatives. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, combating global warming, and addressing the escalating food requirements of the future, Organic Aquaculture linked with organic agriculture presents a viable and ethical solution.

Problem Overview:

Our urgent and multifaceted challenge is feeding the expanding global population without harming our ecosystems and planet. As we witness a continuous rise in the world's population, the imperative to provide ample protein to meet escalating dietary needs intensifies. This necessity is compounded by the troubling trends of increased protein consumption on a global scale.

Ecological Issues:

Our ecological landscape is under siege due to a convergence of pressing issues. Food security is a paramount concern, alongside the dwindling availability of natural resources. The effects of greenhouse gases and global warming cast a shadow over our future, exacerbating the threats of climate change. Furthermore, the loss of biodiversity paints a stark picture of the fragility of our ecosystem.

Challenges with Current Practices:

The conventional approaches to animal protein production, especially those relying heavily on grain consumption and industrial agriculture, unleash a chain reaction of detrimental consequences. From the degradation of precious lands to the devastation of forests, these methods contribute significantly to the escalation of greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating the current environmental crisis.

Aquaculture as a Solution:

As the pressures on traditional fishing practices mount, the spotlight turns to aquaculture as a beacon of hope for ensuring future food security. Its efficiency in resource utilization, particularly in comparison to land-based animal production, positions it as a promising avenue for meeting the demands of a growing population. However, caution is warranted, as the specter of environmental damage and pollution looms large over industrialized aquaculture practices.

Why is Sustainable Aquaculture better than superintensive, industrialized, conventional but not as holistic as Organic Aquaculture?

Sustainable aquaculture is an improvement over superintensive, industrialized, and conventional methods as it prioritizes ecological sustainability and responsible resource management. It seeks to minimize negative impacts on ecosystems and habitats, promoting a more balanced approach to aquatic food production. However, sustainable aquaculture alone is insufficient to preserve ecosystems and fight climate change due to its interdependence with other factors such as industrialized agriculture, environmental impacts (strain on water resources, pollution), and resource scarcity (ingredients to source feeding).

While sustainable aquaculture addresses the need for responsible seafood production and contributes to food security, it must be complemented by sustainable resource management (inputs for fish feeding), environmental conservation, and a holistic approach to food production. Sustainable resource management in the context of organic aquaculture includes the responsible management of inputs for fish feeding. This encompasses the traceability of ecologically sustainable sourcing and utilization of resources such as fishmeal, plant-based ingredients, and other feed components to ensure the long-term viability of aquaculture operations while minimizing environmental impact. Minimizing environmental impact requires a comprehensive and integrated strategy beyond aquaculture alone.

  • Comprehensive Approach: When referring to a comprehensive approach, the integration of organic practices in aquaculture goes beyond aquatic sustainability to also foster regenerative organic agriculture, promote biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem health in both aquatic-marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This holistic approach addresses climate change, biodiversity loss, and food security challenges by considering the interconnectedness of aquatic and terrestrial environments.

  • Organic Principles: Organic aquaculture & Organic agriculture encompasses organic inputs, natural pest control methods, and a commitment to ecosystem preservation, creating a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible production system. When organic aquaculture and organic agriculture are linked, they make a more environmentally friendly and socially responsible production system. This linkage emphasizes natural feeds, eco-friendly practices, and animal welfare standards, promoting biodiversity, mitigating environmental impact, and meeting stringent organic criteria. By aligning with organic agriculture, organic aquaculture prioritizes ecological balance, responsible resource management, and high-quality seafood production without compromising ecosystem health.

  • Traceability: Another crucial factor in the context of organic aquaculture and sustainability. Maintaining traceability throughout the supply chain is essential for ensuring transparency and accountability in organic aquaculture operations. Traceability gives consumers confidence in the origin and quality of the seafood and the ingredients used in their feeding, contributing to the overall sustainability and ethical considerations in food production. This transparency supports informed choices and promotes responsible consumption, aligning with sustainable and ethical food production principles.

While sustainable aquaculture represents an essential step towards more responsible aquaculture practices, organic aquaculture offers a higher level of environmental stewardship and ecological balance through its holistic integration of organic principles and regenerative agriculture practices. Organic aquaculture's emphasis on sustainability, biodiversity, and ecosystem health sets it apart as a more environmentally conscious and socially responsible approach to aquatic food production.

The Disparity

Organic aquaculture production is at a minimum level, with only approximately 7.5kg of organic product produced for every 1000kg of all other types of aquaculture when considering China. Excluding China, this ratio drops significantly to 1.3 kilograms of organic product per 1000kg of traditional aquaculture product, showcasing a substantial disparity in production levels. Source data 2021: Organic Aquaculture FiBL latest report (released in 2023) and FAO aquaculture production 2021.

Global Production Percentage

The global production percentage of organic aquaculture in 2021 was approximately 0.76%, demonstrating the minor share organic aquaculture holds in the overall aquaculture industry.

The ratio of only approx. 7.5kg of organic product (where available) for every 1000kg of overall aquaculture is concerning, highlighting the relatively low level of organic aquaculture within the industry. Exclusion of China's production further accentuates this issue, with the ratio dropping even lower to 1.3kg of organic product for every 1000kg, emphasizing the notable disparity in production levels between organic and conventional aquaculture practices.

Implications for Individuals and Communities

The scarcity of organic aquaculture compared to the dominance of conventional aquaculture has notable implications for individuals and communities. The imbalance in aquaculture production can result in environmental consequences such as potential pollution, habitat destruction, and biodiversity loss associated with intensive conventional aquaculture practices.

Impact on Sustainable Choices

The limited availability of organic aquaculture options may impact individuals seeking environmentally friendly and ethically produced seafood, potentially limiting their ability to make sustainable choices.

Urgency for Ecological Rebalance

Promoting and supporting organic aquaculture practices becomes crucial in mitigating the environmental impact of conventional, superintensive, or industrialized aquaculture dominance, safeguarding the health of interconnected ecosystems, and fostering a more sustainable approach to aquaculture and food production. This highlights the urgency for ecological rebalance in the aquaculture industry.

Bridging the Gap for Organic Food Production

At Organigogo, we deeply respect all food producers – fishers, aquaculturists, and farmers. We understand your challenges (we already and still face them) and your vital role in feeding communities. Our mission is not to criticize existing methods but to bridge the gap towards more ecologically sustainable practices.

The Urgency of Change:

Climate change and environmental degradation pose a severe threat to our planet. While crucial for food security, current food production practices can contribute to these challenges. Ecological aquaculture linked to organic agriculture offers a promising path forward, but we recognize that a complete shift is unrealistic.

Building Bridges, Not Walls:

Currently, our goal is to complement existing methods, not replace them. We understand the complexities and difficulties involved in changing production methods. Many producers, especially those labeled as regenerative or sustainable, are already taking admirable steps to minimize their environmental impact.

Supporting Innovation and Collaboration

Organigogo offers support and collaboration, not criticism. We are here to help producers explore ecological alternatives. We believe that by working together, fishers, aquaculturists, farmers, and organizations like ours can achieve a more sustainable future for food production.

Our Commitment:

Organigogo is built on a foundation of empathy and understanding. Some of our team members come from aquafarming and agriculture backgrounds, and we share your firsthand experience with food production challenges. We are on this journey together, offering knowledge, resources, and technology to help create a positive impact.

The Imperative for Organic Solutions:

Against this backdrop of challenges and opportunities, the urgent call for sustainable and ecological initiatives resounds. To achieve a delicate balance between food production and environmental preservation, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, combat global warming, and proactively address the escalating demands on our food systems. In this context, Organic Aquaculture's significance becomes paramount, intertwined with organic agriculture, to offer a holistic and responsible path forward in contributing to feeding the population while protecting our planet's precious resources.

Establishing and Scaling Organic Aquaculture:

  • Establishing and expanding organic aquaculture globally is hindered by substantial challenges, requiring a deep commitment to sustainable methods and rigorous adherence to organic standards.
  • Transitioning to organic aquaculture demands significant investments of time, resources, and expertise, presenting complexities in regions lacking adequate support for organic farming.

Global Impact of Lack of Organic Aquaculture:

  • The scarcity of organic aquaculture worldwide reflects a deficit in environmentally conscious seafood production, underlining the challenges in adopting sustainable aquaculture practices.
  • The limited availability of organic aquaculture options across countries underscores the obstacles aquafarmers face in entering this sector and implementing organic production methods.

Organigogo's Solutions Overview

Organigogo seeks, through a technology platform comprised of specific solutions, to provide knowledge sharing, guidance, and support to aquaculturists - farmers seeking to adopt sustainable practices to establish and scale up organic aquaculture operations. This includes sharing best practices, lessons learned, insights from their founders - member's journeys and experts on the field, and advice on regulatory compliance, third-party organic certification processes, ecologically sustainable farming methods, and market trends. In addition, Organigogo offers networking opportunities and training programs to help organic farmers and aquaculturists approach buyers or market their products effectively.

Organigogo's platform seeks to offer comprehensive traceability, transparency, and accountability for aquacultural and agricultural production processes. It empowers stakeholders to track inputs, treatments, and harvests, ensuring the integrity of the supply chain and fostering consumer trust. Additionally, the platform facilitates process improvement, productivity enhancement, and remote operation monitoring, which bridges the gap between field operations and remote producers. This enables optimal production levels and real-time decision-making, contributing to the overall efficiency of the supply chain and traceability for end consumers.

Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Organic Aquaculture

By pioneering clear pathways and support for establishing and scaling organic aquaculture, Organigogo focuses on knowledge sharing, regulatory guidance, market networking, and supply chain optimization to address challenges in adopting ecological practices. Initiatives like Acquakinetic, Orgakinetic, Ecofarmit, and Organitum offer tailored support, making the transition to sustainable practices more achievable for farmers in the organic aquaculture sector.

Why is organic aquaculture linked to organic agriculture to fight climate change?

Not only does it avoid damage and protect them, but it also regenerates natural carbon sinks.

Organic aquaculture is linked to organic agriculture in regenerating ecosystems -natural carbon sinks due to their shared emphasis on sustainable practices, reduced chemical runoff, and responsible resource management. By minimizing pollution, promoting ecosystem health, and reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals, organic aquaculture, and organic agriculture contribute to preserving and regenerating natural carbon sinks. This approach helps mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon and minimizing the adverse impacts of unsustainable farming practices on valuable ecosystems.

  • Regenerating Natural Carbon Sinks: Organic aquaculture and organic agriculture aim to restore natural carbon sinks by emphasizing sustainable practices, responsible resource management, and reduced chemical runoff. By aligning their operations with ecological principles, both sectors contribute to restoring and preserving vital ecosystems that serve as natural carbon sinks.

  • Sustainable Practices: Organic aquaculture and organic agriculture prioritize sustainable methods that minimize environmental impact and promote long-term ecosystem health. By eschewing harmful chemicals and embracing natural and organic inputs, these practices reduce pollution and safeguard biodiversity, crucial elements in regenerating natural carbon sinks.

  • Reduced Chemical Runoff: One of the key benefits of organic aquaculture and organic agriculture is the significant reduction in chemical runoff into water bodies and soil. By avoiding synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and antibiotics, these practices prevent contamination of water sources, maintain soil quality, and protect aquatic ecosystems, fostering the regeneration of carbon-absorbing habitats.

  • Responsible Resource Management: Organic aquaculture and organic agriculture emphasize responsible resource management by optimizing water, land, and energy use. By conserving resources and minimizing waste, these practices contribute to the health and resilience of ecosystems, enhancing their capacity to sequester carbon and mitigate the effects of climate change.

  • Minimizing Pollution: Organic aquaculture and organic agriculture strive to minimize pollution by adopting practices that reduce nutrient leaching, soil erosion, and marine contamination. By maintaining clean and balanced ecosystems, these sectors support the regeneration of natural carbon sinks and mitigate the negative impacts of pollution on climate stability.

  • Promoting Ecosystem Health: Central to organic aquaculture and organic agriculture is promoting ecosystem health through diverse and ecologically sound farming practices. By nurturing healthy ecosystems, these sectors create habitats that sequester carbon effectively, contributing to overall environmental balance and resilience.

  • Carbon Sequestration and Climate Mitigation: By prioritizing sustainable practices and reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals, organic aquaculture, and organic agriculture play a crucial role in carbon sequestration. By sequestering carbon in soils, forests, and aquatic environments, these practices help mitigate climate change by storing carbon and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions associated with unsustainable farming practices.

  • Preserving Valuable Ecosystems: Through their commitment to sustainable and organic practices, organic aquaculture and organic agriculture contribute to preserving valuable ecosystems that serve as natural carbon sinks. Protecting and regenerating these ecosystems is pivotal in maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the planet's health.

The link between organic aquaculture and organic agriculture lies in their joint efforts to promote sustainability, reduce environmental impact, and regenerate natural carbon sinks. Through their shared commitment to ecological practices, responsible resource management, and pollution reduction, these sectors play a vital role in mitigating climate change and protecting valuable ecosystems for future generations.

Organigogo's Focus Areas in Addressing Pressing Food Production Issues

Organigogo is dedicated to contributing to solutions for the critical challenges facing food production, especially amidst a burgeoning global population and environmental limitations. The organization focuses on addressing the following specific challenges:

Feeding a Growing Population:

Organigogo aims to scale its ecologically sustainable and innovative approaches to contribute to meeting the increasing demand for food driven by a growing global population. By promoting environmentally sound practices, the organization seeks to ensure community food security.

Overfishing and Depleted Fish Stocks:

Addressing the overexploitation of fisheries and the depletion of fish stocks is a crucial priority for Organigogo. The organization aims to promote sustainable fishing practices through its tech platform and traceability capabilities to mitigate the strain on aquatic ecosystems and safeguard marine biodiversity.

Resource Constraints and Sustainability:

Organigogo promotes responsible resource management to address constraints of energy, water, and land use. By advocating for sustainable resource utilization, the organization aims to minimize environmental impact and enhance the longevity of vital resources.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from food production is another area of emphasis for Organigogo. The organization contributes to combating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability by supporting climate-friendly practices and reducing carbon footprints.

Land Degradation and Water Scarcity:

Organigogo seeks to address the challenges of land degradation and water scarcity caused by industrialized agricultural practices. The organization aims to protect valuable ecosystems and ensure responsible water resource utilization through sustainable land management and efficient water use strategies.

Biodiversity Loss:

Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems from the impacts of industrialized agriculture is a core focus for Organigogo. By promoting practices that preserve biodiversity and safeguard natural habitats, the organization plays a vital role in conserving biological diversity for future generations.

Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture Expansion:

By addressing the environmental impacts of aquaculture expansion, Organigogo contributes to mitigating the strain on aquatic ecosystems and reducing pollution from aquaculture practices. The organization advocates for ecologically sustainable aquaculture methods, prioritizing ecosystem health and preserving biodiversity.

Organigogo's Current Core Offer

Organigogo's core offer is networking and collaboration opportunities for farmers, individuals, and organizations committed to organic aquaculture. Furthermore, Organigogo supports innovative projects that challenge norms and drive positive change in organic aquaculture food production.


10 billion by 2050

As the global population heads towards reaching 10 billion by 2050, the anticipation of a significant protein shortfall looms.

While aquaculture is emerging as a solution to meet increasing food demands, a critical issue persists regarding the potential for direct human consumption of primary feed ingredients like soy, fish (utilized for fishmeal and fish oil production), and cereal grains without the need for processing through animals. This underscores a vital concern within sustainable food production and its impact on the food chain.

Integrating Multitrophic Organic Aquaculture and Agriculture for Ecologically Sustainable Protein Supply and Ecosystem Preservation

Organic agriculture stands out as a mitigation strategy for the challenge at hand. By championing natural and sustainable farming practices, organic agriculture offers a pathway to reduce dependence on industrialized methods contributing to deforestation and land degradation. It prioritizes biodiversity, minimizes synthetic chemical usage, and enhances soil health to promote more sustainable food production and ecosystem preservation.

Connecting organic agriculture to aquaculture emphasizes the benefits of ensuring an ecologically sustainable protein supply while balancing agricultural land constraints. This integration supports ecosystem preservation and climate resilience in food production by nurturing biodiversity, minimizing habitat disruptions, and embracing natural farming techniques. The emphasis on Lemna and Azolla plants in some omnivorous species in organic aquaculture promotes ecologically sustainable protein sources and addresses specific resource requirements in multitrophic aquaculture systems. This holistic approach fosters ecosystem health, climate resilience, and ecological sustainability, promoting a thriving and more balanced environment for future generations.

Organic agriculture practices can achieve a lower production cost at scale, combined with desired digestible nutritional composition and a low environmental footprint, by integrating natural farming methods and minimizing habitat destruction.

Organic agriculture practices can reduce the environmental impact of industrialized agriculture practices, promote sustainable and diverse protein sources, and support ecosystem preservation and climate resilience in food production. This approach aligns to achieve a low environmental footprint while maintaining the desired nutritional composition.

Who needs a solution to this problem?

  • Consumers: Health-conscious and environmentally aware people are increasingly seeking sustainable and healthy seafood options. Organic aquaculture provides fish raised without antibiotics or harmful chemicals, appealing to this growing market segment.
  • Aquaculture Industry: The industry faces pressure to adopt more ecologically sustainable practices due to feeding ecological inputs, overfishing, pollution, and consumer demands. Organic aquaculture offers a viable solution for producers to meet these demands and access new markets for premium organic seafood.
  • Investors: Investors seeking opportunities in the growing green sector and sustainable food production will find Organigogo's approach attractive. Organic aquaculture presents a chance for financial returns while contributing to a positive environmental and social impact.
  • Governments & Regulatory Bodies: Faced with food security and environmental protection challenges, governments are keen on solutions like organic aquaculture that promote sustainable food production and resource management.
  • Environmental Organizations & NGOs: These groups advocate for environmentally friendly practices and support solutions that protect ecosystems and biodiversity. Organic aquaculture aligns with their goals for a sustainable food system.



We're actively building this Q&A section to be a comprehensive resource. While we cover a wide range of challenges, you may have a specific question that hasn't been addressed yet. If that's the case, please get in touch with us. We value your input and will do our best to answer your question and potentially add it to this section for the benefit of others.

Common Queries and Questions

Climate change poses severe consequences for the planet and its inhabitants, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, food insecurity, and threats to biodiversity. To mitigate these effects, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adopt sustainable practices, and invest in innovative technologies for a low-carbon economy.
Efforts have been insufficient due to a lack of political will to prioritize short-term economic growth, limited resources, complex international agreements, vested interests, and inadequate public awareness and engagement. Addressing climate change requires a multifaceted approach.
Despite the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global temperature rise, progress in meeting climate change targets varies widely across countries and regions. Current pledges are insufficient to prevent a temperature increase of over 3°C. More action is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Efforts at the global and local levels, including transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, adopting sustainable agricultural and forestry practices, investing in low-carbon technologies, and implementing policies and measures to reduce emissions. In addition, it is essential to promote more sustainable lifestyles and reduce energy and resource consumption in general.
Organigogo understands the importance of preserving ecosystems as a vital carbon cycle component, recognizing ecosystems' critical role in mitigating the effects of climate change, and seeking to support initiatives that protect and restore natural habitats.
Organigogo actively seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting various initiatives, technologies, and techniques. We aim to partner with individuals and organizations who share their vision of preserving natural ecosystems and their vital role in mitigating climate change.
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